Trauma Recovery

When western medicine isn’t enough, BCST brings relief from pain and helps the body heal itself.

Trauma recovery session with Joyce Harader, RCST. Soaring Spirits Craniosacral Therapy

In-Person Sessions

BCST empowers your body to heal itself, creating more balance in the energetic, emotional and physical body. BCST interacts with your innate health, supporting a ripple effect of healing within your body. You may notice your body relaxing, the release of stuck energy and new insights that shift places of restriction and congestion. You will feel better. 

Phone Sessions

BCST works the same way over the phone as in person. We are all made of energy that knows no limits or boundaries, which makes it possible for me to connect with your energy field long distance. We will talk more during a phone session to give me additional information on the subtle shifts taking place in your body.


Empowers your body to heal itself


Drug-free relief


Painless, relaxing treatments


Works in-person or over the phone

Heal Your Mind, Body & Spirit

Traumatic events overwhelm your body. The most important steps towards trauma recovery resolution are uncovering the hidden opportunities for healing and growth.

The function of trauma is to diminish consciousness so that the body can survive a perceived overwhelming experience.

All physiological aspects of the body can carry the impact of unresolved trauma.

Energetic bodywork is the most direct way of gaining entry to the physical and energetic capacities for resolving trauma.

Energetic bodywork is a very safe and gentle way to interact with and reset the nervous system back to a place of peace and deep relaxation. It clears anxiety and responses to stressful situations that are out of proportion.

It is necessary to neutralize and re-pattern the experience of traumatic events and the impact they have on the quality of life.

Building positive attitudes and plans for action also resolves the energetic and neurological elements of  trauma.

Accident & Post-Surgical Recovery

BCST creates positive support for healing accident-related injuries, such as concussion, whiplash, and brain/spinal cord trauma. If your injury required surgery, BCST speeds healing so you can get back on your feet quickly. BCST also provides relief from chronic pain associated with long-term injuries.

Chronic Pain & Illness Recovery

BCST stimulates your body’s natural healing response for migraines, chronic pain, fibromyalgia, TMJ and immune system disorders. You’ll feel healthier and have more energy.

Mental Health and Clarity

Stress, anxiety disorders, depression, PTSD and chronic fatigue all find lasting relief from the balancing effects of BCST.

Dental and Jaw Relief

BCST relieves tension resulting in TMJ and provides relief from pain associated witih dental procedures and braces.

Quick Recovery from Auto Accident

Twenty four hours after being in a rear end collision, I was experiencing severe neck pain. After one session, my neck pain was reduced 75%.  After the second session a week later, all neck pain was gone.

Martin Barringer, TV and Film Composer, Phoenix, Arizona

Relief from Migraines and Seizures

My lifelong quest for health included managing seizures, migraines, vision distortions and periods of feeling weak. Seasonal changes heavily impacted me. After adding a consistent BCST, I no longer have seizure-related symptoms.  Weakness and seasonal change symptoms rarely occur and are no longer incapacitating.

Carolyn Songin, Marketing and Public Relations, Yelapa, Mexico

Benefits Long Distance Phone Session

Before my session with Joyce, I was unsure whether I would be able to feel this energetic work long-distance since it can be very subtle even in person. During the phone session I was surprised that I could feel shifts in various parts of my body, especially in my face where trauma had occurred. Joyce would confirm feeling the same, or name things she was aware of as I was feeling them simultaneously. This session confirmed to me that it is possible to experience the benefits of this energetic work long distance.

Julie K. Staples, Ph.D. Research Scientist, Educator and Yoga Teacher, Placitas, New Mexico

Real Healing, Not Just Relief

I fell into an orchestra pit 20 years ago, resulting in tremendous back and hip pain, chronic neck pain and headaches. It limited and controlled my activity levels. Numerous alternative health approaches only provided relief for a few days at a time. I had a dependency on weekly chiropractic visits for the last 20 years.  After my first session, my neck realigned and held. Consistent sessions removed my dependency for weekly chiropractic visits, and have been a critical step in regaining my health. I now focus my attention on living vs illness.

Nora, Sales/Business Development, River Forest, Illinois

Real Healing, Not Just Relief

I started feeling symptoms and tested positive for covid 2 weeks ago. A week in, I was diagnosed with pneumonia and put on oxygen.  I was put on 4 different drugs, which my body is not used to taking. I have been in bed, non-functional, lungs felt heavy, achy and painful with severe brain fog.  I received a craniosacral session and within 24 hours my body was able to integrate and utilize the treatment much more efficiently. Mental clarity came back and I choose to get off of oxygen and am able to maintain appropriate oxygenation levels, and my energy levels are consistently reviving.

Tanya Risnes, Spiritual Guide in the Art of Living Well, Whitewater, Colorado

Physical and Mental Benefits

This was my first experience with BCST. I was very impressed and appreciative of the results. I had been experiencing chronic shoulder soreness, recently exacerbated, that completely resolved. In addition to a profoundly relaxing session, the subsequent week I noticed more mental clarity and less time internally dialoging outworn, ruminatory stories.

David Koos, Ph.D Cedaredge, Colorado

Mary Lothrop, Life Coach, Downer's Grove, Illinois

I have worked with Joyce in person for over ten years. BCST has been so helpful in recovering from a serious chronic condition.  I wasn’t sure that shifting to a phone session would have the same impact. We tried it and to my surprise, it was powerful. I was dealing with a big stress at the time. I experienced releases and shifts in parts of my body the same way as when we are in person. I’m excited to have this new way work together because it was actually easier and more convenient.

Mary Lothrop, Life Coach, Downer’s Grove, Illinois